Welcome to We-tek Ltd


  • Social Audit

    SLCP Verification
    We-tek Ltd. is an approved verification body for SLCP. SLCP refers to Social & Labor Convergence Project,which uses a multi-stakeholder

  • HSE Audit

    HSE refers to Health and Safety, Environment which consists of processes, regulations, and methods designed to protect people and the environment from harm.

  • EMS Audit

    Environmental Management System (EMS) audit will focus on facility’s commitment to implement its environmental policy and address governmental regulations.

  • QSM Audit

    Quality System Management (QSM) audit will evaluate the capacity and capability of the facility.QSM audit will help to review the factory facilities and environment, quality system, materials control

  • GHG Audit

    Reducing carbon emissions is crucial in combating climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions are categorized into three scopes: Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources.

  • C-TPAT Audit

    Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is but one layer in U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) multi-layered cargo enforcement strategy.Through this program